Water Conservation Measures for 2024
STAGE ONE: (now in effect and until further notice)
A) Irrigation season is April 15th to October 15th. No watering outside of these dates
B) All properties to the south of Lakehill Road water only on Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday
C) All properties to the north of Lakehill Road water only on Wednesday and Friday and Sunday
D) Water only from 6:00 - 10:00 AM and from 7:00 - 11:00 PM on your assigned watering days
E) Use of drip irrigation systems (with individual drip emitters using no more than 0.5 gal/hr or 2 L/hr), or a hose with a shut-off nozzle (hand water) to water trees, shrubs or vegetables is permitted on any day and time
F) Run automatic underground system only from Midnight - to 7:00 AM and only on your watering days
G) Micro-irrigation systems are now considered to be an automatic system and may operate on a timer from Midnight to 7:00 AM ONLY on your permitted days.
H) No watering on Monday for anyone!
I) Agricultural properties - natural or landscaped areas must follow the above conservation measures. If you have a district irrigation connection and flow restrictor and have “farm status designation” through BC Assessment Authority, you are exempt from the above restrictions for watering crops only.
J) See note below: New lawns (Seeded lawns or installed turf) can be watered any day at any time using any method for the first 49 days (7 weeks) after planting, but ratepayers must complete an application form (available at the bottom of this page) & submit it to KID before planting. Stage One conservation measures, if in force, will apply after 49 days. Note: as of 07/10/24 we are no longer accepting applications for new lawn watering until further notice.
K) Ratepayers may apply for a temporary exemption for special circumstances, by making application to the District.
If this summer, it becomes necessary to implement Stage Two, residents will be notified.
STAGE TWO: (when deemed necessary by Trustees and in addition to Stage One)
A) All properties to the south of Lakehill Road water only on Tuesday and Saturday
B) All properties to the north of Lakehill Road water only on Wednesday and Sunday
D) Automatic underground irrigation systems are included in the above restrictions.
E) No watering on Monday, Thursday, or Friday
F) No use of water to fill swimming pools, hot tubs, and ponds, and wash vehicles or boats
G) Agricultural properties as defined in Stage One (H) above, remain exempt from the above restrictions for watering crops only; natural or landscaped areas must follow the above conservation measures
H) Additional watering of new lawns [as outlined above in Stage One (I)] suspended.
STAGE THREE: (when deemed necessary by Trustees)
A) NO outside watering permitted
B) Depending on severity of drought, exemption for agricultural properties may be subject to review